- journal - portfolio

{ O' .'O }
~ yippady day ~
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# About me Hi I'm Anunda Green an aspiring game developer / software engineer going by the handle SKrshe online

# Software - comming one day =)

# Social handles: - twitch: SKrshe - twitter: @skrshe1 - mastodon: @skrshe - reddit: u/SKrshe - HMN: krashe

# Publishing - github -

# Personal Interest in order of hype: - jai: high-level programming language - Odin: general-purpose programming language - Whitebox: live code introspection tool (currently only for c/c++) - medc: visionary mobile source code editor (currently only for c)

# Misc

## How to say "SKrshe" pick one of the following: - scr-shea-a-lul - scr-she - scr-sh - es-crsh - es-kay-ar-she - dae-vid - skr-rar-she - scrue-she - es-kay-ar-shae or say it however you want =)

## Obsessions - making stuff - mulling over random stuff
